Life Science & Pharma
What we do
We work with pharma companies, providing an array of consulting services to help our clients in implementation of their strategies. These include strategy development, support at all stages of production localization, government relations and other consulting on demand.
Examples of projects
Localization of production facility for a global pharmaceutical producer

One of the worldwide leading generics producer was intending to locate its production plant in Russia. We provided a complex support for the investment project including: regional study and site selection, feasibility study and production business plan development, support in getting the status of priority project in the region and receiving tax holidays, GR and project support. The plant opening ceremony was held in October 2014. Commercial production started in 2015.

Distribution strategy and supply chain concept for a global pharmaceutical company

Within the scope of the project of production localization for one of the global pharmaceutical company the task was to develop a distribution strategy and supply chain concept in order to optimize operating costs and deal with arising challenges. We implemented a detailed analysis of the existing supply chain, defined strategic goals and tasks, worked out a system of KPI and provided a detailed road-map to achieve strategic goals. Additionally we implemented a financial analysis of construction of own distribution center for the client.

Localization of production of specific pharmaceutical products in Russia for a leading international company

One of the leading international pharmaceutical companies decided to invest into production of specific (narrow focused) pharmaceutical products, which have no analogs in Russia. We provided strategic assistance for the project including: comparative analysis of potential sites for future production allocation; technical DD of the chosen land plots; comparative assessment of localization models and potential sites based on CapEx and OpEx estimation; risks assessment; preliminary business case estimation; assistance in search and further work coordination with engineering company responsible for conceptual design development; GR and other project support services. Currently the project is on its design stage (stage "P") and in the process of getting permissions.

Market research and strategy development for Russian and Ukrainian pharmaceutical markets for a global pharmaceutical company

One of the international pharmaceutical companies aimed to introduce new product to the Russian and Ukrainian markets. Our tasks for the project included comprehensive market research and competitive landscape analysis, development of market entry and pricing strategies.

Strategic support, market research and market entry for European producer of medical devices

Our client, European manufacturer of medical devices, intended to enter Russian market with its products. Our tasks for the project included comprehensive market research, market entry strategy development, preparation of the business plan and distribution model development.

Market research and competitive intelligence for one of the leading global suppliers of pharmaceutical glass packaging

Jointly with our partner, European consulting company, we conducted a comprehensive research on Russian pharmaceutical glass packaging market as a part of the larger investigation covering other emerging markets for potential expansion of the client. As a result our client got the presentation covering market assessment with the market trends and dynamics in terms of different segments, comprehensive competitive landscape analysis covering local suppliers and import, pricing analysis and recommendations for the market entry strategy.
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